moto gymkhana belgique

Very nice week-end in Belgium. Thanks to Pierre Willot and his association “Moto Liberté”

On the Weekend of June 26 and 27, we participated at the competition organized in Rochefort (Belgium) by our friend Pierre Willot and his team of the “Moto-Liberté” association (you can find them on Facebook).

How far he has come since his first course with us. The organisation was perfect and the course as we like it: tight corners and very few straight lines. On saturday (we were not present), let’s go to training, to fun – on sunday morning, a little warm-up, then the competition (2 rounds each of which the videos will not take long), and in the afternoon, fun. In short, the atmosphere was on the date!

Thanks again to all the organizing team: Pierre, Conny, Anne Pascale and our competitive friends including Vincent, Luc and Yacine!

podium 2
podium 1

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